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IQ Test

Discover your IQ in just 10 minutes with our free, scientifically-validated test now!

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What is the IQbe CogniFit Intelligence Test?

The IQbe test is a digital nonverbal assessment of fluid intelligence, characterized by a minimal cultural bias. But what exactly does this means?

  • Being an intelligence test, the objective is to assess the estimated intelligence of the user and compare it with its reference population, providing a numerical data: the Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
  • The IQbe specifically measures fluid intelligence, which refers to our ability to think logically and solve problems. Its counterpart would be crystallized intelligence, which refers to the body of knowledge we acquire throughout our lives, although it is outside the scope of this test.
  • It is a non-verbal test, since the instructions and the test itself do not contain any text, nor is linguistic knowledge necessary to solve it. Thus, it is possible to apply it to people of any language, who have language problems, or who have not acquired reading skills, etc.
  • It is a manipulative test, since in order to be completed it is essential that the user interacts with the test stimuli, rotating them and using his hands to carry it out.
  • The IQbe is a 3D intelligence test, since part of the challenge of the test will be to manage properly through the different faces of the cube.
  • The test is presented in a digitalized format, which allows an easy application from a computer, tablet or smartphone with internet connection. In addition, this allows a virtually automatic test application and calculation of the results.
  • In addition, this intelligence test has a low cultural load, which makes it suitable for migrants from different cultures who are not familiar with the basics of the culture in which they find themselves. The IQbe has other advantages, such as the fact that color and sound are not relevant variables for the resolution of the cube, making it inclusive for people with color vision difficulties or hearing problems.
  • It is based on the classic and widely validated Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices test (1938), in which a series of figures with a missing element were presented on a piece of paper and, below, the user had to identify which of those shown was missing.

How to play the Test

To complete this intelligence test it will be necessary to rotate the cube in order to locate the missing pieces and decipher the patterns of elements drawn on the surrounding pieces. Once the patterns have been deciphered and the missing pieces have been discovered, it will be necessary to select that set of pieces among the options shown.

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Validity of the IQbe Test

To verify that the IQbe is measuring the intended construct, its concurrent validity was assessed. The principle of concurrent validity states that if a given test shows a high positive correlation with another validated test measuring a specific construct, then the given test also measures that construct.

A laboratory study was conducted at the Universidad Iberoamericana, located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Participants attended in groups to a computer-equipped room where they individually and independently completed a series of tests. Among these tests were the IQbe and a digitized version of Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM; Raven, 1938).

A total of 59 users (40 females, 19 males), aged between 18 and 25 years (X̅=20.63; SD=1.39), completed the IQbe and the RSPM. All participants completed both tests consecutively, and the IQ scores were calculated for each user following the correction criteria stipulated for each test.

To determine the correlation between the scores, a Pearson correlation analysis was performed in Python using the "scipy.stats.pearsonr" library. This yielded a Pearson correlation coefficient (r) of .613 for the IQ scores derived from the IQbe and the RSPM for the 59 users. The significance of this correlation was < .001. The obtained values indicate a high correlation between the IQ scores of both tests, which is statistically significant.

This indicates a positive correlation between both tests, meaning that as one score increases, the other tends to increase as well, and vice versa. Moreover, considering the IQbe as an intelligence test, and given its various characteristics differing from the RSPM, such as containing fewer items, having a manipulative component, instruction changes during the test, lack of predetermined response alternatives guiding the user, being in a digital environment, etc., a reasonably high correlation can be considered.

Furthermore, the p < .001 indicates that this correlation is significant. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. That is, it can be considered that the IQbe's IQ score correlates with the IQ score of the classic validated test it is inspired by, and therefore, the IQbe is a valid tool for measuring intelligence or some of its subcomponents.



0.613 p<.001



Cronbach's alpha

0.71 p<.001


Reliability of the IQbe Test

Test-Retest Stability

To assess whether the measurements of the IQbe remain stable over time, its test-retest stability was examined. The principle of test-retest stability is that if a test has stable scores when applied twice, the scores should be similar to each other; that is, they should correlate with each other.

For the test-retest stability measurement, data from 23 users (13 females, 10 males), aged between 18 and 54 years (X̅=33.87; SD=12.38), who had completed the IQbe twice with a separation of at least 4 days between the first and second administrations, were considered.

To assess test-retest stability, a correlation analysis was performed between the measurements collected at two time points separated by four days using the "scipy.stats.pearsonr" library. The correlation coefficient between the scores obtained in the first and second measurements was 0.71, with a significance level of < .001. The values obtained indicate a high correlation between the scores obtained in both measurements, which is statistically significant.

The test-retest stability shows a correlation of .71. Given the variability in time elapsed between the first and second measurements, this correlation is considered adequate. The p < .001 indicates that this correlation is significant. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. That is, along with the results obtained from Cronbach's alpha, it can be considered that the IQbe's IQ score has adequate reliability, and therefore, the IQbe is a reliable tool for measuring intelligence or some of its subcomponents.

Internal Consistency

To assess whether all variables supposedly related to intelligence in the IQbe exhibit a high level of correlation among themselves, its internal consistency was examined. The principle of internal consistency is that if a test measures a construct (such as intelligence) and all test variables are directed at measuring that specific construct, then all variables should be similar to each other; that is, they should correlate.

For internal consistency measurement, data from 637 users (341 females, 296 males) who had completed the latest iteration of the IQbe were considered. Since this test version applies an irregular presentation of items, meaning not all users will have encountered all possible items when completing the test, the internal consistency of all items cannot be calculated globally. Therefore, the internal consistency of the normalized reaction time scores according to the reached block between Block 2 and Block 7 was examined.

Internal consistency was measured by calculating Cronbach's alpha in Python using the "Pingouin" library. The results are shown in the table and graph below.

Regarding internal consistency, the observed global Cronbach's alpha in the table shows that as more items are completed, internal consistency increases. This is coherent, as with fewer items, consistency tends to be low. However, after responding to the first 5 difficulty levels, the items show internal consistency above .70, reaching a Cronbach's alpha of .77 when responding to all difficulty levels of the test. Normally, a Cronbach's alpha above .70 is recommended for acceptable consistency. Since the higher-level items are above .70, and the complete test achieves internal consistency close to .80, it can be considered that the internal consistency of the IQbe is adequate.

Difficulty level
Cronbach's alpha
Confidence interval
Media AgeBetween 18 and 55 years old
N by sex
X̅=33.5; DT=11.1
M=341; H=296
X̅=33.5; DT=11.2
M=294; H=239
X̅=33.6; DT=11.0
M=233; H=188
X̅=33.4; DT=10.9
M=156; H=134
X̅=31.6; DT=10.4
M=54; H=51
X̅=30.3; DT=9.99
M=22; H=30
Difficulty level
Cronbach's alpha

What is an IQ test?

Although there is no single definition of IQ tests, an IQ test is a tool to obtain an approximate measure of a person's intelligence. They usually consist of a series of activities that test the user's abilities, in order to see how well he or she performs in comparison with people of the same age. There are different types of IQ tests, depending on whether you want to measure fluid intelligence or crystallized intelligence, verbal or nonverbal intelligence, etc.

By convention, most IQ tests have a range of scores from 0 to 200, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. If you score above 100, you are above average; but if you score below 100, you are below average.

Why take an IQ Test?

An IQ test is one of the best and most efficient ways to estimate how smart you are. IQ tests can also show how well you do in school and how you compare to other people your age. Here at CogniFit, we made IQ testing fun and repeatable so we designed IQbe to provide instant results.

IQ tests are not perfect, but they are the best, most popular way to measure intelligence. IQ tests are used for a variety of purposes, such as identifying gifted students, diagnosing learning disabilities, and placing people in jobs. IQ tests can also be used to study intelligence and how it changes over time. Taking an IQ test can give you a better understanding of your abilities and how you compare to others.

There are a few reasons why you might want to take an IQ test. Maybe you’re considering enrolling in a gifted program and want to make sure your child is eligible. Or maybe you’re just curious about your IQ and want to see how you stack up against the rest of the population. Also, obtaining a low IQ could help you obtain some aid or resources.

They can give you an idea of how well you process information and how quickly you can solve problems. This information can help determine your strengths and weaknesses, and it can also help you focus your studies in the right areas.

If you score higher than average, it can encourage you to look for harder goals. And if you score lower than average, it can help you seek help to strengthen your skills. Regardless of your score, IQ tests can be a fun way to challenge yourself and learn more about your intelligence.

What is IQ?

What exactly does the term IQ stand for? IQ is an abbreviation of Intelligence Quotient. The IQ is a measurement of your intelligence and cognitive abilities and is expressed in a number format. It’s an estimate also, there will always be a given amount of measurement error. So the IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a measure of your ability to think logically, understand new information, and solve problems.

The most common IQ score is 100. A score above 100 means that their IQ is higher than the average, and a score below 100 means that IQ levels are lower than the average. There are different types of IQ tests, but they usually measure the same basic abilities.

Understanding the Intelligence Quotient

IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a score derived from one or more intelligence tests. IQ tests can measure different areas of intelligence, such as the verbal and mathematical ability. A high IQ does not necessarily mean that someone is smart, because the IQ is an estimate susceptible to error and does not take into account the whole reality of the user. Low IQ levels may still be very intelligent in other ways, since the person may have been able to compensate for his or her difficulties with other skills. Even so, the IQ is still a good estimate, based on the average score of people in the same age group. As a rule of thumb, the harder IQ tests are, the more accurate in measuring a person's true IQ and cognitive ability.

The meaning of each IQ test results is expressed below:

  • 130+ IQ points - High IQ AnswerThese are the highest possible points when measuring intelligence on the test. Normally people with these scores are considered geniuses. In general, they finish tests faster. Several people with similar IQs are successful at different levels in life. These individuals are more than 2 standard deviations above the mean.
  • 115 to 129 IQ pointsThese are extremely high IQ scores. They answer simple, medium, and difficult questions easily. They can understand things others find difficult to comprehend and have advanced problem-solving ability. These individuals are between 1 and 2 standard deviations above the mean.
  • 101 to 114 IQ pointsIt represents the elevated margins on the average, a benefit many people have. They typically answer easy mid level questions without difficulty. These individuals are between 0 and 1 standard deviation above the mean.
  • 100 IQ PointsThis is the average IQ score range. Most people in this category can answer easy and medium questions without much trouble. They may find difficult questions more challenging, but they can still get the right answers with some effort. These people are exactly average for their age.
  • 85 to 99 IQ points These are lower margins than average results. The majority of their questions are answered quickly and without difficulty. Some of them are capable of solving mid level questions but sometimes they are made to be confused or have trouble concentrating on them. These individuals are between 0 and 1 standard deviation below the mean.
  • 71 to 84 IQ points These are less likely to be poor results which show individuals are struggling with some cognitive areas, as they usually have problems to solve math and logical problems. Intelligence levels like this may have a more independent life but can also solve the problems they face every day. These individuals are between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean.
  • 70 IQ points or less When test takers score below 70 they usually are extremely low and generally are more likely to suffer from intellectual disabilities. Typically, these individuals can no longer live independently with the burdens of daily life. However, a person with normal intelligence could obtain a score like this if the IQ test has not been well chosen, since some tests can be greatly influenced by certain environmental, cultural, psychosocial, etc. factors. Another possibility is that the user did not understand the test instructions. These individuals are more than 2 standard deviations below the mean.

What is a good IQ score?

The average IQ score is always 100, and your assessment score tells you your IQ ranking compared to the average. These are based on comparisons with other people who took the test: the normalized group. Although most people score between 85 and 115, good scores are considered the ones above 100.

About 2% of the population has an IQ score lower than 69 or higher than 130. Such extreme IQ scores often are hard to measure using a regular intelligence test. This is because you need a lot of reference measurements to determine a specific score reliably. As very high and very low IQ scores simply do not occur often, it is hard to form such a reference group.

Tips to complete our IQbe test and get your best score

The environment and the individual’s physical and emotional condition can affect your results. To achieve the most accurate result and get correct answers, you should follow our mental checklist listed below:

  • Be sure you are IQ testing in a quiet environment free of irritating factors that may influence your thinking processes or be a distraction.
  • Ensure you are well rested and feel prepared for intelligence testing.
  • Try to understand what the purpose of the test is and what things are taken into account to know if an answer is taken as good, despite not receiving texts or feedback from the test.
  • Do not rush, aim for a maximum score. Our test will strain your mental ability.

You should not worry in case you have not received the desired instant results. This score is not permanent. It depends both on you and on global trends.

How do I prepare for online free IQ tests?

If you’re thinking about taking an IQ test, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you're taking a reputable IQ test from a qualified source. There are a lot of fake IQ tests out there, and you don't want to waste your time taking one of those.

Second, be prepared for the fact that your IQ score might not be what you expect it to be. IQ scores are just one measure of cognitive ability, and they shouldn’t be used to define who you are as a person. There are plenty of successful people who have scored below average on IQ tests. With CogniFit you can take this score and add it to your profile of hundreds of other data points to see a more visualized map of how your cognition is performing.

Finally, remember that IQ tests are just one tool in your toolbox. If you want to assess your mental status, there are plenty of other things you can do besides taking an IQ test. Or you can even work on your cognitive skills by playing brain games that challenge your cognitive skills. The important thing is to keep challenging yourself and expanding your horizons.

IQ test results

The main test aim is not to evaluate general intelligence. This helps to identify skills in which individuals are highly successful and skills needing extra attention. This is a test aimed to assess ability and confidence.

”Am I a Genius?”

People with an IQ equal to or higher than 130, i.e., two standard deviations above the mean are usually considered to be gifted, to have high intellectual abilities or, in other words, to be a genius. If you score 130+ without cheating in an IQ test, then you can be considered a genius.

They usually have no trouble solving the standard IQ tests. They are expected to complete the test nearly perfectly and much faster than the specified time. A lot of people with similar IQ levels achieve significant success in other areas of life. Such people comprise about 2.2% of the population. Even fewer people can get the highest results exceeding 145 points. For instance, only 0.2% of people in the world are capable of getting this score.

What was Einstein's IQ?

Although some experts estimate Albert Einstein's IQ is 160, there is no evidence of him ever having an assessment. So it's impossible to know his true IQ score. However, that doesn't mean Einstein wasn't intelligent. He was a brilliant thinker and made many groundbreaking contributions to science and mathematics.

Mental Rotation and Complex Pattern Recognition

People in the general population who do well on IQ tests usually have good mental rotation skills. This means that they can rotate objects in their minds and understand how they would look from different angles. They can also recognize complex patterns quickly.

People who do poorly on IQ tests usually have poor mental rotation skills and cannot recognize complex patterns easily. You can improve your mental rotation skills by practicing regularly by training the underlying cognitive skills. There are many online games and puzzles that can help you improve your skills. People with high IQs often do well in occupations that require complex pattern recognition, such as accounting, engineering, and mathematics.

Free IQ Test Online

Sometimes people want to find out how intelligent they are, that's why we offer our IQ testing with IQbe Test.

Taking intelligence tests can help increase confidence. Free IQ tests are a tool for measuring one or more types of intelligence. There are a lot of free online IQ tests but most do not have scientific data supporting the outcome scores.

Can any free IQ test show correct results?

With anything free, it is always good to do some research. Although good tests will always have a measurement error, it is usually small compared to the estimate of the measured construct. This is why we need to look for IQ tests developed by scientists who have made an effort to ensure that the test is valid and reliable.

History of IQ tests

Modern intelligence tests were invented at the end of the 20th century by Alfred Binet & Theodore Simon. The tests were conducted by a department in education in France to test the individual to help differentiate between mentally challenged kids and normal. Simon Binnet's test was named Stanford-Binet.

The Early Rudimentary Test would combine age and score for an overall score of 0-1000. The tests were simple but became popular and they were used extensively for measuring cognitive performance throughout Europe and soon afterward throughout the U.S. and Asia.

Classic IQ test Score

Most classic IQ tests have a score range of 0 to 200. The average IQ score is 100. These tests are specifically designed and used for a lot of different things and can have different test questions. For example, schools use them to decide which classes students should be in. Employers sometimes use them to see if someone is qualified for a job. And researchers use IQ scores to study how intelligence affects health and life span.

IQ tests are not perfect. They don't measure everything important, and they can be affected by things like how well rested you are or how nervous you are when you take the test. But IQ tests are still a pretty good way to measure intelligence.

What IQ test types are there?

What are the different IQ tests available? Why are different IQ tests available? There are different types of IQ tests, but they all measure your intelligence in different ways: some of them measure fluid intelligence, while others measure crystallized intelligence, for example.

There is no such thing as an official test to measure IQ, although there are more popular and less used ones. We developed a more modern approach to the IQ test by making it a fun and interactive experience. Providing instant results is appreciated after concentrating on the correct answer with our free test.

A classic IQ test will measure things like numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, and verbal intelligence. A non-verbal IQ test will measure abstract reasoning. Both types of IQ tests are valid and reliable ways of measuring intelligence.

Can I practice IQ tests?

The most basic objective of conducting an intelligence test is to measure the person's IQ as accurately as possible. If we practice an IQ test, we will most likely distort the measurement, ruining the purpose of the test and making us reach wrong conclusions.

In general, it is not recommended to repeat an intelligence or cognitive assessment test more often than every 6 months. However, if we want to stimulate our cognitive abilities, which could be considered as the basis of intelligence, we can always turn to cognitive training programs.

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