Play "Marble Race" online and help boost your cognitive skills.
Have fun with this brain training resource.
Stimulate your naming with this game
Marble Race is a challenging game to train auditory perception, naming, estimation and hand-eye coordination. This game main objective is to get your my marble to the goal by listening to the sound at the beginning of the round, selecting the ball that has the first letter of the word associated with that sound, and throwing it at a hole to score points. The game will become more challenging as the user advances, the sounds will be more complex and the holes more difficult to hit.
Marble Race is the perfect game to stimulate the mind and help strengthen cognitive skills. This game has been designed to stimulate our auditory perception skills. It is suitable for all ages and its design is appealing to everyone.
Mind games like CogniFit's Marble Race allow us to train our naming and help stimulate cognitive abilities through neuroplasticity.

The objective is to get your marble to the goal.

You must match the letter of the ball with the initial sound.

You must aim well to get the most points.
Why are games like "Marble Race" so popular? - History
Marbles have been around since ancient civilizations, such as the Romans and Egyptians, who played with them. Small stone balls have been discovered dating back to 2500 BC and Roman literature mentions children playing with nuts. No one really knows where marbles originate, and it is most likely that they developed from children playing with polished river stones or nuts.
Due to it’s ancient origins CogniFit decided to try to recreate the fun of marbles with typical carnival type games that would train various cognitive skills. This is why Marble Race was developed with the purpose of training our auditory perception, estimation, naming and hand-eye coordination.
How does the "Marble Race" mind game improve my cognitive skills?
Repeatedly playing and consistently training games like CogniFit's Marble Race stimulates a specific neural activation pattern which helps neural circuits reorganize and recover weakened or damaged cognitive functions. Consistently stimulating our skills can help create new synapses, and help neural circuits reorganize and improve cognitive functions. The Marble Race game seeks to stimulate skills related to estimation and hand-eye coordination.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Graphic projection of neural networks after 3 weeks.
What happens when I don't train my cognitive abilities?
Our brain tends to save resources by eliminating unused connections. If a cognitive skill is not normally used, the brain does not provide resources for that neuronal activation pattern, so it becomes weaker and weaker. If we do not train that cognitive function, we become less efficient in our day-to-day activities.