Shore Dangers: Brain Game
Online brain training game
Play the online brain game "Shore Dangers" and boost your cognitive skills
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Challenge your brain
To advance in brain game Shore Danger To advance in the game, we'll need to move the barrier to allow objects on the wrong side to pass and to prevent those already in the right place from passing over. However, as the level of complexity of this mental training game increases, the cognitive demands will increase.
This game will become more difficult as the user progresses through the levels. Shore Dangers is a scientific resource designed to continuously measure cognitive performance and automatically regulate the difficulty of the task, optimizing cognitive training. The brain game Shore Dangers is perfect for children, adults, and seniors who want to stimulate essential cognitive abilities.
How can the brain game "Shore Dangers" improve your cognitive abilities?
Brain training games like Shore Dangers stimulate determined neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through training may help create new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
This game is indicated for anyone looking to challenge and improve cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills can be trained with "Shore Dangers"?
The cognitive skills activated by this brain game are:
- Hand-Eye Coordination: To advance in Shore Dangers we must correctly perceive the space and the different elements that appear on the screen, and simultaneously guide the movement of our hand to perform the task. The goal is to guide the barrier with maximum precision to allow the passage only of the correct elements. By practicing this exercise we are activating and exercising our motor skills. The eye-hand coordination allows us to execute multiple tasks simultaneously and coordinated based on the visual information we receive. For example, when we handle objects, open a can or unscrew a bolt.
- Divided Attention: To advance in Shore Dangers we must pay attention to several stimuli at the same time, meaning we have to allow the correct elements to pass, and prevent the wrong elements. By practicing this exercise we are stimulating and activating our divided attention. Improving this cognitive ability is fundamental to our daily lives as it allows us to process different sources of information and successfully execute more than one task at a time. Helping us, for example, to be more efficient in the academic field, when we take notes while listening to the teacher's explanation, or when we are driving, playing sports, or even talking on the phone while cooking.
- Focused Attention: During Shore Dangers , we must correctly detect objects approaching the center. Practicing with this activity can help us to stimulate our focused attention. Improving this capacity will make it easier for us to pay attention to the stimuli in our environment, such as the people around us or the activities in which we are involved.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Visual Perception: To advance in this mind game we will have to correctly identify each object that appears on the screen and quickly process all the information that we have to know if it belongs to one side or the other of the barrier. By playing this game we are strengthening and stimulating our visual perception skills. We use this ability to drive, to learn new things, to draw, to practice any sport, to cook, etc.
- Spatial Perception: To advance in this mind game we must properly interpret the position, shape, size and movement of the different stimuli that appear on screen and guide the barrier based on that information. By practicing this exercise we are activating and stimulating our spatial perception. Improving this cognitive ability is fundamental for our daily lives as it allows us to correctly perceive our environment and anticipate changes. We constantly use this ability, for example, when walking, driving, playing sports, etc.
- Visual Scanning: To advance in this mind game we will have to quickly locate which elements are on the right side, which are on the wrong side and which elements are approaching the center. By practicing this mental exercise we are activating and stimulating our visual scanning. Improving this cognitive ability allows us to identify more efficiently the relevant stimuli in our environment. This cognitive ability plays a very important role in our daily lives. For example, when we look for objects around the house.
- Inhibition: If we observe that, by letting an object pass through, another one is going to come in and should not go through therefore we must inhibit our behaviour. By playing Shore Dangers and consistently performing these actions, we can improve our inhibition. This would make it easier for us to give a more appropriate response when, for example, we want to change lanes and another car prevents us from doing so.
- Updating: In Shore Dangers it is very important to constantly check if we are classifying the objects well, as well as to keep under control the others. By practicing this mind game, it is possible to stimulate our updating. A good updating allows us to realize if we are performing well a task, or to correct our performance, if we do not obtain the desired results. It also helps us to detect when we are deviating from our original goals in our daily lives.
- Response time: In Shore Dangers we will need to react quickly if we see an object that we do not want to move through. This brain training game stimulates reaction or response time. A good reaction time helps us reduce the time it takes to respond to a stimulus, such as when dodging people while skating.
- Estimation: We will need to anticipate when an object will arrive, whether it will arrive before another, or what direction it will take if it crashes. Playing Shore Dangers can help us to improve our estimation. Improving this cognitive capacity gives us the possibility of generating precise and fast responses.
What happens if you don't train your cognitive abilities?
Our brains are designed to reserve resources, so when there are connections that aren't being used, the brain automatically eliminates it. If a certain cognitive skill isn't regularly trained, the brain won't give resources to that neural activation pattern, which can cause it to become weaker and weaker. This causes us to be less able when using a certain cognitive function, making us less effective in our day to day lives.