Bee Balloon: Brain Game
Cognitive training brain game
Play "Bee Balloon" online and boost your cognitive abilities
Get access to this scientific brain training resource
Challenge your brain
Bee Balloon is an online brain training game . In order to advance through the levels of this game, the user will have to explode all the balloons by passing over them, avoiding the bombs and red zones. As you progress through the levels, you'll be using more parts of your brain and the cognitive challenge will be even greater.
As you advance and help improve your cognitive skills trained in this online brain game, it will advance with you Bee Balloon is a scientific resource designed to constantly measure performance and automatically regulate the difficulty to ensure that the user is getting the most out of each training session. The mind game Bee Balloon is appropriate for children and adults and can help improve essential cognitive skills.
How can the brain game "Bee Balloon" improve your cognitive abilities?
Training with brain games like Bee Balloon stimulates specific neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through consistent training can help improve the creation of new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering damaged or weakened cognitive functions
This brain game can be played by anyone looking to test and improve their cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills can you train with the online brain game "Bee Balloon"?
The main cognitive skills that this game trains are:
- Hand-eye Coordination: In the brain training game Bee Balloon we will need to guide our cursor with dexterity to blow up all the objectives avoiding approaching the cursor to the red zones, since they are forbidden zones. By practicing this brain game we are training our precision and hand-eye coordination. Stimulating this ability can help us to be more efficient in performing manual precision activities, such as writing on paper or using the computer.
- Shifting:The forbidden zones that we must avoid can move, or even in advanced levels, this cognitive game may require us to direct the mouse cursor only to specific targets of a certain color, complicating the action. Practicing this brain game can help us strengthen our shifting. Improving this ability can help us become more efficient when faced with unexpected or changing situations that require us to react quickly and adapt our behavior. For example, when we find a closed street and we have to quickly think of an alternative.
- Reaction time: In this game there are some forbidden areas that may move, so it is necessary to be able to act at the right time to avoid touching them. To perform this activity, a good reaction time will be required. A good reaction time allows us to respond more quickly to situations that require an imminent response. For example, when we need to cross the road before a car passes.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Focused Attention:In this brain game we have to spot the different types of stimuli that appear on the screen. If we don't notice the presence of an explosive we'll hit it, losing a life. By practicing this brain game we strengthen our focused attention. Enhancing this cognitive capacity can help us to be more efficient in everyday situations in which we have to attend to or detect relevant stimuli. For example, when we need to look at the blackboard or a book to detect relevant information.
- Planning:This brain game requires us to decide the order in which we will address our goals. Planning ahead can help us achieve our goal more efficiently. In doing so, we are stimulating our planning capacity. Improving this cognitive ability helps us to be more efficient in our daily lives. For example, when we have to think about the steps to take to achieve a goal.
- Non Verbal Memory:During this brain game, we need to learn the patterns of appearance of the red zones or forbidden zones, which will allow us to avoid them more efficiently. By playing this game, it is possible to work on our non-verbal memory. This cognitive ability is fundamental in our daily lives since it allows us to memorize non-verbal stimuli, such as our clients' faces.
- Divided Attention: This brain game will require that we pay attention to the position of our cursor and the red zones at the same time. By practicing this brain game we will be stimulating our divided attention. Strengthening this cognitive capacity can help us to be more efficient in performing two or more activities correctly at the same time. For example, when we have to move around the street while writing on the phone or when we answer the phone in class and take notes at the same time.
- Inhibition:If we detect an explosive or forbidden zone during the brain game, we will have to stop our action plans. Practicing this brain game can help us to stimulate and improve our inhibitory capacity. This cognitive ability is important to make it easier to react appropriately to situations in which we have initiated action and must stop. For example, when crossing a pedestrian crossing.
- Updating:During this brain game we will have to confirm if the strategies we are executing work for us, or if on the contrary, we should change our game strategy. By practicing this brain game we are training and helping to strengthen the neural connections involved in our updating skill. Improving this cognitive ability is fundamental to our daily lives, as it can help us to detect errors more easily. For example, when we are writing, telling a story, or when we have to assemble a piece of furniture.
- Spatial Perception: In this brain game, it will be necessary to guide the cursor through the permitted areas or to reach our objectives, while avoiding the forbidden areas, and explosives. By practicing this brain exercise, it is possible to stimulate our spatial perception. Improving this ability can help us perform better in our environment, such as when we have to detect the distance between our car and its surroundings or organize the dishwasher.
- Visual Scanning:In this brain game, we will have to quickly detect where our targets, explosives, and forbidden areas are in order to establish a course of action. By practicing this task we are activating the neural connections involved in our visual scanning ability. Improving this cognitive skill can help us to be more efficient in everyday activities that require us to seek stimuli in a space or place. For example, when we look for a friend in the crowd, or for keys on a table.
- Visual Perception:Just as in this brain game we can distinguish explosives from objective stimuli quickly and correctly, in our daily lives we are faced with an endless number of stimuli that we must interpret. Practicing this game can help us to stimulate our visual perception, which can be very useful to process visual information efficiently. Poor visual perception can lead to problems in perceiving the cars on the road, the letters that make up a sentence or the obstacles we encounter when walking.
- Estimation: In Bee Balloon the user will have to calculate the time to go through some areas, depending on the pattern of red areas. In doing so, the user will be stimulating the neural connections involved in estimation. Improving this cognitive ability can help the user generate accurate responses. For example, when you play basketball, or when you avoid bumping into a person on the street, or when you have to press the brakes on your car so you don't crash.
- Processing Speed:This brain game requires us to establish a plan as quickly as possible, as time is running out. We need to process all the data to come up with a route and action plan as soon as possible. By practicing this exercise we are stimulating and helping to strengthen the neural connections involved in our processing speed. Improving this cognitive ability can help us be more efficient in performing a mental task. For example, to solve a mathematical calculation, or to understand a problem that we are facing.
What happens when you don't train your cognitive abilities?
Our brains are designed to save resources and be as efficient as possible, which is why it erases the connections that aren't being used. This is why if a certain cognitive skill isn't used frequently, the brain doesn't supply it with the resources it needs, and it becomes weaker and weaker. This makes us less able to use the weakened cognitive skill, making us less efficient in activities in our daily lives.