Brain Game: Color Rush
Cognitive brain training game
Play "Color Rush" online and help boost your cognitive skills.
Have fun with this brain training resource.
Stimulate your updating with this game.
Color Rush is an arcade-inspired online brain game to challenge your updating, reaction time, shifting, and estimation skills. The main objective is to drive a vehicle through the race track as fast as you can while getting as many energy balls the same color as the vehicle, however, watch out for the different obstacles that may appear on the road. The game will become more challenging as the user moves through the different levels, progressively requiring more cognitive resources.
This game has been designed to stimulate our updating skills. It is suitable for all ages and its design makes it especially attractive for children 7 years old and up. Color Rush is the perfect game to stimulate the mind and help strengthen cognitive skills.
Mind games like CogniFit's Color Rush allow us to train our reaction time and shifting skills and help stimulate cognitive abilities through neuroplasticity.

The aim of the game is to race the vehicle as fast as you can through the race track.

As you level up, the complexity of the map will increase and the obstacles will become more frequent.

You must try to get the bonus balls the same color as the vehicle.
Why are games like "Color Rush" so popular? - History
The Color Rush game is lightly based on arcade-style racing games where the player is encouraged to drive the car while keeping their speed and drifting through turns, colliding with objects, or simply avoiding obstacles.
CogniFit’s team of neuropsychologists decided to take this idea and develop an entertaining game that would help the user not only relive the arcade experience but train their cognitive skills.
How does the "Color Rush" mind game improve my cognitive skills?
Playing games like CogniFit's Color Rush stimulates a specific neural activation pattern. Repeatedly playing and consistently training this pattern helps neural circuits reorganize and recover weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
Consistently stimulating our skills can help create new synapses, and help neural circuits reorganize and improve cognitive functions. The Color Rush game seeks to stimulate skills related to reaction time and estimation.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Graphic projection of neural networks after 3 weeks.
What happens when I don't train my cognitive abilities?
If a cognitive skill is not normally used, the brain does not provide resources for that neuronal activation pattern, so it becomes weaker and weaker. If we do not train that cognitive function, we become less efficient in our day-to-day activities.