Brain Game: Ant Escape
Cognitive Brain Training Game
Play "Ant Escape" online and boost your cognitive abilities
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Ant Escape is a brain game that seeks to train estimation, processing speed, updating, inhibition and spatial perception. The objective of the game is to get the ant to reach the anthill. To achieve this, you will have to make sticks of the right height so that the ant can move between platforms. At the beginning, it may seem simple, but as the levels increase, there will be obstacles and you will have to estimate more accurately.
CogniFit has designed this game in order to stimulate our processing speed and updating. Ant Escape is a perfect option to stimulate our brain and help strengthen our cognitive abilities in a fun and interactive way. It is a game suitable for everyone regardless of age, as the difficulty of the game is adjusted according to the needs of each user.
Mind games such as CogniFit's Ant Escape allow training in our inhibition ability and help stimulate cognitive abilities through neuroplasticity.

The goal of the game is to make appropriate height sticks so that the ant can move between platforms.

On some levels, you will transform into a grasshopper and you will have to jump with accurate precision to avoid falling.

As you advance, you will find new adversities that will make it more difficult for you to achieve your objective.
What makes "Ant Escape" so popular? - History
Ant Escape is considered an adventure game where the user has to estimate every move in order to reach the objective. CogniFit’s neuropsychologists and designers took classic games from Nintendo as inspiration to create this game. The user has to think out of the box and estimate every move as fast as possible in order to reach the anthill. Get ready to try one of CogniFit’s most entertaining games filled with obstacles and challenges.
How does the mind game “Ant Escape” improve my cognitive skills?
CogniFit's Ant Escape helps stimulate a specific neural activation pattern. Repeating and training this pattern consistently can help create new synapses, and help neural circuits reorganize and regain weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
Ant Escape game helps to train estimation, processing speed, updating, inhibition, and spatial perception. Consistently stimulating these skills can help create new synapses, and help neural circuits reorganize and improve cognitive functions.
What happens when I don't train my cognitive abilities?
Our brain is designed to save resources, so it tends to eliminate connections that are not used often. In this way, if a specific cognitive ability is not used frequently, the brain does not provide resources for that pattern of neural activation, so it becomes increasingly weak. This makes us less able to use this cognitive function, making us less effective in our day-to-day activities.