Slice and Drop: Brain Game
Online brain training game
Play "Slice and Drop" online and boost cognitive skills
Get access to this scientific brain training resource
Challenge your brain
Slice and drop is an online brain game. To complete the levels in this game, the user will have to cut the string connecting the two figures on the screen. The user will have to be careful to strategically make the correct cuts to keep the birds from falling, keeping them away from the cats. As the levels become more difficult, more mental resources will be needed to complete the game.
The game will get progressively more difficult as the user trains. Slice and Drop is a scientific resource designed to continuously measure performance and automatically regulate the difficulty of the tasks, optimizing cognitive training. The brain game Slice and Drop has been perfected for children, adults, and seniors to train essential cognitive skills.
How can "Slice and Drop" improve your cognitive abilities?
Training with brain games like Slice and Drop stimulates specific neural patterns. Repeating this pattern through training can help create new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering the weakest or most damaged cognitive functions.
This game is appropriate for any person who is looking to improve cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills can you train with the brain game "Slice and Drop"?
The cognitive skills that this brain game stimulates are:
- Planning: In order to successfully complete the levels in this brain game, the user will have to be able to mentally decide the best way to cut the string on the screen. If the user doesn't properly plan his or her moves, it may prevent them from completing the level. This brain game activates and stimulates the mental processes needed for planning, and improving this ability can help improve performance when planning and organizing priorities in daily life. From packing a suitcase to planning how to complete a project, we use planning everyday.
- Estimation: This brain game was designed to put your estimation to the test. In order to get to the next level, the user will have to predict how a certain move will affect the other stimuli on the screen. Doing this will stimulate and help strengthen estimation, and improving this important cognitive ability can help make the user more efficient in daily life. This makes it possible to be more efficient when carrying out an action when driving a car.
- Spatial Perception: The user will have to understand the entire screen in order to correctly complete this game. Doing this activates and strengthens spatial perception, which makes it possible to improve awareness of where objects are located. This may help avoid accidents and injuries. Spatial perception is an important skill for a number of jobs, like architecture, driving, flying, or design.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Cognitive Updating: Moving through the levels of this brain game, the user will have to be able to detect the errors that will keep them from reaching the goal, and adjust or correct their strategy. Practicing this skill can help create new synapses and improve the myelination of the neural circuits that are able to recover or organize the updating skill. Improving this skill is important for daily life, as it makes it possible to adapt to situations and understand when certain actions need to be corrected. This cognitive skill helps us discover how to correct the steps that we must take in order to reach our goals.
- Focused Attention:This brain game was designed to challenge the user's ability to focused on a relevant stimulus and avoid distractions. This game requires the user to identify the most important blocks or elements that make it possible to solve the problem on the screen. Doing this activates and strengthens focused attention, and improving this cognitive skills makes it possible to optimize attentional filter and avoid distractions. Poor attention may cause one to miss important information, waste time, have cause learning or concentration difficulties, which may have significant negative effects when it comes to working or social life.
- Hand-eye Coordination:Successfully completing the levels of this brain game will require the user to identify the exact location of the figures and cut the string at precisely as possible. At some points, the game will require more cognitive resources, as the user will have to make the cut in the right place at the right time. Doing this brain game will activate and improve hand-eye coordination, and improve this skill can make us more efficient when carrying out daily tasks that require coordination, like writing or typing. Because of this, this skill is essential for academic and work life, as well as daily life when driving, cooking, playing sports, and a number of other activities.
- Processing Speed: This brain game was designed to challenge and improve reflexes. The user will have to be quick when perceiving and reacting to the stimuli on the screen. Doing this helps activate, strengthen, and rehabilitate the neural circuits used in this brain function. Improving processing speed can help us think faster and learn better. Reducing the time between when we receive information and start to react to it makes us more efficient when responding to a question or avoiding an accident when driving.
- Shifting:The user will have to understand their errors and optimize their strategy in order to successfully complete the levels of this brain game. New and changing situations mean that the user will have to adapt to the challenges as they appear, and doing this activates and strengthens cognitive shifting. Improving this important cognitive skill can help improve a number of different daily activities, as it plays a role in learning, problem-solving, and reacting to new and unexpected changes. We use this skill when correcting errors before they happen or when we change our mind about something.
What happens if you don't train your cognitive skills?
The brain is designed to reserve resources, which causes it to eliminate connections that it doesn't use regularly. If you don't use and practice certain cognitive skills, the brain will stop sending it the resources that the neural activation pattern needs, and it will become weaker and weaker. This means that we become less efficient in these skills, which can affect daily life.