Brain Game: Numbers Line
Cognitive brain training game
Play "Numbers Line" online and boost cognitive ability
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Challenge your brain
Numbers Line is a brain game that stimulates a number of different cognitive skills. In this game, the user will be presented with a target number, and will then have to shoot the balls to the number line in order to reach the target number. The game will become progressively more difficult, requiring more cognitive skills.
This brain game will automatically adjust to the level of each user as they train. Numbers Line is a scientific resource designed to continuously measure the user's performance and progress and adjust to each user, optimizing cognitive training. The brain game Numbers Line is suitable for children, adults, and seniors interested in stimulating their essential cognitive abilities.
How can the brain game "Numbers Line" improve your cognitive abilities?
Training your brain with brain games like Numbers Line stimulates specific neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through training and exercises can help create new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
This game is for anyone who wants to challenge and improve cognitive performance.
What cognitive abilities can you train with the brain game "Numbers Line"
The cognitive abilities that you can improve with this brain game are:
- Visual Scanning:In order to advance through the game Numbers Line, the user must find the target numbers that they will have to add. The user will have to use search the screen to stimulate visual scanning. Improving this skill will make it possible to be more efficient when identifying relevant information in your environment. This can make it easier to find errors at work, or find someone in a busy park.
- Processing Speed: The brain game Numbers Line was designed to help us think and process information more quickly. The conveyor belt is constantly moving, and the user will have to be quick in order to process all of the information on the screen and get rid of the number line before it reaches the end. Playing this brain game will train processing speed. Improving this cognitive skill can help you think and react more quickly when receiving information. People with poor processing speed may have trouble reacting to planning, making goals, making good decisions, and reacting to unexpected changes or events.
- Short-term memory: In advanced levels, the balls will temporarily hide their numbers, so it is important to memorize them. Keeping the information for a short period of time can help us process more complex information, like when we read a long sentence in a book: we need to remember the beginning of the sentence to make sense of it at the end.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Updating: During this game, the user will have to make sure that they number they launch hits the right target, and that the mental math is correct. While carrying out these mental supervision processes, the user will be activating and training their updating cognitive ability. Improving this cognitive skill may help make you more efficient in a number of areas of your daily life (work, home, school), making it possible to detect when a certain activity or behavior is inappropriate and adapt to the situation. This may happen when taking an exam or writing an essay, for example. In this situation, you will have to be able to detect the error and fix it.
- Divided Attention: In order to advance through this brain game, the user will have to pay attention to different stimuli at the same time and coordinate their actions. Doing this task will activate and strengthen the neural structures used in divided attention. Improving this cognitive skill make can make us more efficient when doing more than one task at a time and minimize the number of "interferences". This can help us when parking a car while talking to your friend.
- Hand-Eye Coordination: In order to move up in this brain game, the user will have to move the cannon and carefully shoot the ball to hit the right numbers. Doing this task will help strengthen the neural networks used in hand-eye coordination. Improving this cognitive skill can help you become more careful and precise in daily activities that require hand-eye coordination, like sewing, moving a computer mouse, or playing sports.
- Working Memory: This brain game was created to put our storage and information manipulation skills to the test. In order to advance through the levels, the user will have to remember the different numbers that appear on the screen and correctly do mental math to get the right numbers. Doing this activity will stimulate and strengthen the neural networks used in working memory. Improving this important cognitive ability will help the user be more efficient in daily tasks that require complex cognitive processes, like language comprehension, reading, math, learning, or reasoning.
- Focused Attention: This brain game tests attention, as the user will have to be careful to aim at the right target and shoot it without missing. If they miss, the ball will get added to the number line and will continue to move, making it more difficult. This brain game will help activate and strengthen focused attention. Improving this cognitive skill can make it easier to focus attention on a stimulus or activity, avoiding distracting stimuli. People with poor focused attention may be easily distracted and be less efficient when doing most activities.
- Shifting: This brain game tests the user's ability to adapt to their environment. As the game progresses, the target number will change and the user will have to adapt their strategy to keep up. Practicing this game will activate and strengthen the neural connections used for shifting, which is related to complex problem-solving. Improving shifting can help make you more efficient when choosing how to carry out a certain task, quickly adapting to different situations and handling changes and problems with ease.
- Inhibition: This mind game was designed to help control automatic or impulsive reactions, challenging the brain to create responses based on attention and reasoning. In order to advance through the game, the user will have to "inhibit" the impulse to launch the ball at the wrong numbers. Doing this will activate and stimulate inhibition, and improving this cognitive skill can help control behavior and optimize attention. People with poor inhibitory control may have trouble with impulsiveness or hyperactivity.
- Spatial Perception: Progressing through this game will require that the user perceive the different elements on the screen and be able to correctly identify the exact spot where they need to shoot the ball. This exercise will help activate and stimulate spatial perception and test the user's ability to perceive their environment using shapes, sizes, distances, etc. Improving this cognitive skill will help the user mentally reproduce objects, in both 2D and 3D, and help anticipate changes that may occur around them.
- Planning: This brain game was designed to test the user's ability to anticipate the best way to do a task. In order to move through the levels, they will have to mentally anticipate the possibility of making "combos" and plan their shots in order to get the highest score possible. This activity will stimulate the user's planning ability, which can help make them more efficient when choosing the necessary actions to reach a specific goal and create a plan of action. People with poor planning may have trouble prioritizing tasks and managing their time well, which can cause problems at school or work.
What happens if you don't train your cognitive skills?
The brain is designed to reserve resources, which is why it tends to eliminate the neural connections that it doesn't use. This is why if a certain cognitive skill is not regularly used, the brain will not send resources to the neural activation pattern, and it will become weaker and weaker. This makes the cognitive skill less effective and more difficult to use in daily life.