Brain game: Reaction Field
Cognitive training brain game
Play "Reaction Field" online and boost your cognitive abilities
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Challenge your brain
Reaction Field is a brain training game. In order to advance through the levels of this game, the user will have to hit the target mole, avoiding hitting the rest or those with dynamite attached. However, as the level of complexity of this game increases, the cognitive demands will increase.
As you advance and help improve your cognitive skills in this online brain game, it will advance with you Reaction Field is a scientific resource designed to constantly measure performance and automatically regulate the difficulty to ensure that the user is getting the most out of each training session. The mind game Reaction Field is appropriate for children and adults and can help improve essential cognitive skills.
How can the brain game "Reaction Field" improve your cognitive abilities?
Training with brain games like Reaction Field stimulates specific neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through consistent training can help improve the creation of new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering damaged or weakened cognitive functions.
This brain game can be played by anyone looking to test and improve their cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills can you train with the online brain game "Reaction Field"?
The cognitive skills that this game trains are:
- Inhibition:As this brain game progresses, distracting stimuli of the same colour as the objective stimulus will appear on the screen. When this happens, the user must stop the initial impulse to hit the distracting stimulus. By slowing down this action, the neural networks involved in inhibition are exercised and stimulated. Strengthening this important cognitive skill can help us stop inappropriate behaviors and generate responses mediated by attention and reasoning.
- Response time: In this brain game, you have to hit the target stimulus before it disappears, so you have to have good reflexes to reach them in time. By playing this game, we are activating and stimulating our reaction or response time. Improving this cognitive capacity can help us act quickly when faced with different stimuli. For example, when we see an object about to fall from the table and we pick it up before it falls to the ground.
- Shifting:To advance in this brain game we will have to adapt to the change of objective stimulus and look for the next one. By practicing this exercise we are stimulating and strengthening our flexibility or shifting ability. Improving this cognitive ability can help us to react more flexibly in unexpected situations, such as when we discover that there is no item left in the supermarket and we have to think of an alternative, or when a journey is cut short and we have to think of another way to get to the desired place.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Visual Scanning:To complete each level of the brain training game Reaction Field, we will have to detect the target among all the present stimuli, which will require our visual scanning. Improving this cognitive ability is fundamental for our daily lives, as it can help us detect in a fast and efficient way the stimuli or relevant information around us. For example, other vehicles on the road.
- Hand-eye Coordination: To advance in this brain game, the user needs to quickly and precisely direct the mouse towards each of the target stimuli. Improving this cognitive capacity optimizes the user's use of their hands in different activities. For example, writing, driving, playing sports or even opening a can, or unscrewing a bolt. This cognitive ability allows us to perform a simultaneous and coordinated task, based on the visual information we receive.
- Visual Perception:In order to advance in this brain game, it is important that we focus on properly detecting the color of each stimulus and its characteristics, in case there are any modifiers. By repeatedly performing this exercise we are stimulating and reinforcing our visual perception. Improving this cognitive ability allows us to reduce the perceptual errors that can happen in our daily lives. For example, when it comes to driving, drawing, texting, and even cooking. This ability helps us distinguish spices, and avoid confusing, for example, salt with sugar.
- Updating:In this brain training game we need to know if we are heading towards the right stimulus, or if we need to change our strategy in case we get confused. By practicing this exercise we are stimulating our ability to update. Improving this cognitive ability can help us to perform more efficiently tasks such as writing, or fixing something broken by making sure we don't make mistakes.
- Spatial Perception:In this brain exercise we will have to correctly perceive the place where each stimulus appears, so we will need to make good use of our spatial perception. Improving our spatial perception can help us drive more safely, or make it easier to walk down the street without stumbling or bumping into obstacles.
What happens when you don't train your cognitive abilities?
Our brains are designed to save resources and be as efficient as possible, which is why it erases the connections that aren't being used. This is why if a certain cognitive skill isn't used frequently, the brain doesn't supply it with the resources it needs, and it becomes weaker and weaker. This makes us less able to use the weakened cognitive skill, making us less efficient in activities in our daily lives.