Perfect Tension: Brain Game
Cognitive training brain game
Play "Perfect Tension" online and boost your cognitive abilities
Get access to this scientific brain training resource
Challenge your brain
Perfect Tension is a brain training game. To advance in the game, we will have to remove the pieces in the correct order, so that the others do not fall into the vacuum. However, as the level of complexity of this brain training game increases, the cognitive demands will increase.
As you advance and help improve your cognitive skills trained in this online brain game, it will advance with you. Perfect Tension is a scientific resource designed to constantly measure performance and automatically regulate the difficulty to ensure that the user is getting the most out of each training session. The mind game Perfect Tension is appropriate for children and adults and can help improve essential cognitive skills.
How can the brain game "Perfect Tension" improve your cognitive abilities?
Training with brain games like Perfect Tension stimulates specific neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through consistent training can help improve the creation of new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering damaged or weakened cognitive functions
This brain game can be played by anyone looking to test and improve their cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills can you train with the online brain game "Perfect Tension"?
The cognitive skills that this game trains are:
- Updating: In the brain training game Perfect Tension it is very important to look at whether our strategies to eliminate the pieces are being effective or whether we should change our plan. This is possible thanks to our updating skill and by frequently playing this mind game, it is possible to strengthen it. A good updating skill can help us detect when we are not addressing our original objective, for example, when we deviate from the main topic in a meeting.
- Planning: Planning is an essential cognitive skill to be able to finish the different levels of Perfect Tension, as we will have to find the right order to eliminate the pieces without unleashing chaos. By playing this game we stimulate our planning skills. Good planning allows us to prepare effectively for one or more future events, for example, when organizing our day.
- Spatial Perception: In Perfect Tension we will have to perceive, handle and understand the space well and how each piece will react when it is altered. It is possible to stimulate our spatial perception by playing this mind game. Improving our spatial perception can help us to interact more efficiently with our environment. It is essential in a variety of jobs, such as architecture, design or drawing.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Divided Attention:In this brain training game you have to take a good look at different pieces at the same time to prevent any of them from responding unexpectedly, or detect it if they do. This requires our divided attention and, by training it with Perfect Tension, it is possible to improve its condition. A good divided attention will allow us to follow more than one stimulus at a time. In fact, it is very useful in our daily lives when driving.
- Shifting: If we don't manage to solve the problem with a certain sequence, we will have to be mentally flexible and correct our mistakes on the next attempt. By playing Perfect Tension, shifting will be stimulated. Having this cognitive ability in good shape is essential to adapt to the changes that arise. In our daily lives we use shifting to correct mistakes or to change our minds.
- Estimation: We will need to calculate whether, when the target part is removed, another part will fall out. By playing Perfect Tension, we will be demanding an effort from our brain that can help us strengthen our estimation. Improving this cognitive ability is important to give approximate and efficient answers to situations in which we do not have an accurate answer. This happens when, for example, we calculate how long it will take us to do an activity, or if we need more or less time to prepare for work.
What happens when you don't train your cognitive abilities?
Our brains are designed to save resources and be as efficient as possible, which is why it erases the connections that aren't being used. This is why if a certain cognitive skill isn't used frequently, the brain doesn't supply it with the resources it needs, and it becomes weaker and weaker. This makes us less able to use the weakened cognitive skill, making us less efficient in activities in our daily lives.