Mouse Challenge: Brain Game
Cognitive brain training game
Play "Mouse Challenge" online and boost cognitive ability
Get access to this scientific brain training resource
Challenge your brain
Mouse Challenge is a brain game that stimulates a number of different cognitive skills. To advance in the game, we will have to click with our mouse on the cows to abduct them, but we have to do it starting with the one that has fewer spots and ending with the one that has the most. However, as the level of complexity of this mental training game increases, the cognitive demands will increase.
This brain game will automatically adjust to the level of each user as they train. Mouse Challenge is a scientific resource designed to continuously measure the user's performance and progress and adjust to each user, optimizing cognitive training. The brain game Mouse Challenge is suitable for children, adults, and seniors interested in stimulating their essential cognitive abilities.
How can the brain game "Mouse Challenge" improve your cognitive abilities?
Training your brain with brain games like Mouse Challenge stimulates specific neural patterns. The repetition of this pattern through training and exercises can help create new synapses and neural circuits capable of reorganizing and recovering weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
This game is for anyone who wants to challenge and improve cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
What cognitive skills can you train with the brain game "Mouse Challenge"?
The cognitive abilities that you can improve with this brain game are:
- Visual Scanning: In this brain training game we will have to find the stimuli out in the field, therefore we will be using our visual scanning. Using Mouse Challenge it is possible to train this cognitive ability. A great visual scan can helps us to find people, objects or information around us. For example, when we play a team sport like football or basketball, we have to find our teammates and our opponents at a glance.
- Hand-eye Coordination: In this mind game we'll need to move the mouse precisely to the targets. As the level of difficulty progresses, the demands on our coordination will be greater. By playing Mouse challenge, we will be stimulating this cognitive capacity. Good hand-eye coordination is essential for efficient and precise activities. For example, it is important in basketball or when learning to play a musical instrument.
- Shifting: As we advance in the game, the difficulty and complexity in the obstacles will increase. We'll have to deal with changes in mouse sensitivity, reversals in mouse movements, and so on. The effort we make to perform these changes can help us stimulate our shifting or cognitive flexibility. Improving this cognitive skill is important to adapt correctly to changes in our environment. In many sports and other everyday activities, we will have to adapt to changing strategies or field changes, making use of our shifting ability.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Updating: In this brain training, we need to make sure we are meeting all requirements to achieve our goal and for this we need our updating ability. Training with Mouse challenge allows you to stimulate this cognitive capacity. Training updating allows us to be aware of when we are deviating from our objectives. We use this cognitive ability to check that we are acting as we intended.
- Response Time: During this mind game time is limited, so we have to click as quickly as possible on the appropriate stimuli. By playing Mouse challenge we will be stimulating our reaction or response time. Strengthening this skill allows us to react quickly to a given stimulus. Thus, response or reaction time plays an important role in various aspects of our lives such as sports, in driving, etc.
- Focused Attention: In this brain training game, we will need to detect all the stimuli and their distinctive characteristics. In order to detect them, we will have to use our focused attention, and by playing this game this cognitive ability will be strengthened. A good focused attention can be beneficial in directing attention to the relevant stimuli in our environment. We use this cognitive ability when playing sports, concentrating on a project at work, among others.
- Spatial Perception: Spatial perception is essential to locate the stimuli and to know where to direct the cursor. By practicing this mind game it is possible to strengthen our spatial perception. Having this cognitive ability in good condition helps us to be more efficient when moving around our environment.
- Visual Perception: During this game, we must correctly identify the characteristics of each stimulus to know which one we should choose first, this requires our visual perception. Playing Mouse challenge can be useful to improve this cognitive capacity. Poor visual perception can make it very difficult to recognize familiar objects around us.
What happens if you don't train your cognitive skills?
The brain is designed to reserve resources, which is why it tends to eliminate the neural connections that it doesn't use. This is why if a certain cognitive skill is not regularly used, the brain will not send resources to the neural activation pattern, and it will become weaker and weaker. This makes the cognitive skill less effective and more difficult to use in daily life.