Play "Scrambled" online and help boost your cognitive skills.
Have fun with this brain training resource.
Stimulate your auditory perception with this game.
Scrambled is a great way to challenge your auditory perception, your focused attention and your visual perception. A mental game like Scrambled can be very stimulating and demanding. The aim of the game is to decode the target sound by choosing the image corresponding to that sound.
This game has been designed to stimulate our auditory perception due to the complexity of the sound stimuli and the difficulty to discriminate the images. It is a game that adapts according to the level of the user, so it is suitable for everyone from 7 and up. This makes Scrambled the perfect choice for those who want to stimulate the mind and help strengthen cognitive skills.
Mind games like CogniFit's Scrambled allow us to train our visual perception and help stimulate cognitive abilities through neuroplasticity.

The object of the game is to identify the target sound and select the image corresponding to that sound.

As you advance, the sounds will become more difficult to discern.

The images will also become more distorted as you advance, and it will be increasingly difficult to select the correct one.
Why are games like "Scrambled" so popular? - History
CogniFit wanted to create a game that trained auditory perception following the basics of audio games from the 1970s. However, CogniFit’s neuropsychologists wanted to incorporate a visual challenge so they decided to create a fusion between a visual type puzzle and hard to decipher sounds.
After studying several classic games CogniFit managed to merge sound and visual perception as main elements and also incorporate focused attention so that it could be trained simultaneously. Scrambled is one of the main CogniFit games that trains several cognitive skills in a simultaneous and fun way.
How does the "Scrambled" mind game improve my cognitive skills?
Playing games like CogniFit's Scrambled stimulates a specific neural activation pattern. Repeatedly playing and consistently training this pattern helps neural circuits reorganize and recover weakened or damaged cognitive functions. Consistently stimulating our skills can help create new synapses, and help neural circuits reorganize and improve cognitive functions. The Scrambled game seeks to stimulate skills related to focused attention and visual perception.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Graphic projection of neural networks after 3 weeks.
What happens when I don't train my cognitive abilities?
Our brain tends to save resources by eliminating unused connections. If a cognitive skill is not normally used, the brain does not provide resources for that neuronal activation pattern, so it becomes weaker and weaker. If we do not train that cognitive function, we become less efficient in our day-to-day activities.