Learn About Your Mental Health And Improve Yourself!
Mental health can be defined as the level of an individual’s psychological well-being. Having a good and strong mental health can help to enjoy life more fully, to be fulfilled more easily and to have a sense of balance between the challenges of life and a strong psychological resilience.
Our mental health is affected by many internal and external factors such as our emotions, our environment and mindset. Stress, for example, can be an important impediment to good mental health.
Mental health is also impacted by our cognition and cognitive state. Having poor cognitive skills can impact significantly our functioning in daily life and can lead to mental health issues. This is why assessing, maintaining and training our cognitive abilities is important and can lead to a healthier and more enjoyable life.
CogniFit offers you many different brain training tools to assess and train your cognition and large number of cognitive abilities. By getting a clear picture of your cognitive level, you can then decide what cognitive skills you would like to improve and how to do it.
Over time, our cognitive abilities have a tendency to decline. Training regularly with CogniFit can help you maintain or even improve those abilities that are the most impacted.
Memory, focus or attention are examples of cognitive domains that you can train on the website. CogniFit has developed specific brain exercises that can help you train those abilities and measure your level.
Mental health has become today one of the most important area of research as it affects greatly who we are and what we can do.
Start your cognitive assessment and brain training today!