Brain Game: Lane Splitter
Online brain training game
Play "Lane Splitter" online and boost your cognitive skills
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Challenge your brain
Lane Splitter is an online brain game. In order to get top points in this game, the user will have to pass as many vehicles as possible by changing lanes and avoiding crashes. The game will become more challenging as the user moves through the different levels, progressively requiring more cognitive resources.
The difficulty of this brain game will automatically adjust depending on the user's training. Lane splitters is a scientific resource designed to continuously measure cognitive performance and automatically adjusts difficulty, optimizing brain training. The brain game Lane splitter was designed for children, adults, and seniors who want to train and stimulate essential cognitive skills.
How can the brain game "Lane Splitter" improve your cognitive abilities?
When training the brain with brain games like Lane Splitter, you stimulate specific neural patterns. Consistently repeating and training this pattern can help create new synapses and neural circuits able to reorganize and recover weak or damaged cognitive functions.
This game is indicated for anyone looking to challenge and improve cognitive performance.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Neural Connections CogniFit
Which cognitive skills does "Lane Splitter" train?
The cognitive skills trained in this brain game are:
- Shifting:Completing the levels of this game requires moving the vehicle across the lanes to avoid crashing with other drivers. Doing this activates and stimulates cognitive shifting, and improving this important skill can help you easily and efficiently adapt to a changing situation. This makes it possible to quickly change directions on when you're driving to follow the GPS.
- Estimation: This game requires the user to mentally calculate the distance between their car and the other vehicles on the road. The user will have to estimate speed, movement, and time in order to determine whether or not it's necessary to change lanes or not. Doing this will help stimulate and strengthen estimation, and improving this skill makes it possible to anticipate and react quickly to different situations in everyday life.
- Response Time:This brain game was designed to test the user's ability to process and react to stimuli, like avoiding obstacles, reacting to unexpected changes, and refining reflexes. Practicing this brain game can stimulate and train response time, and improving this skill makes it possible to easily react to a number of everyday situations. Good reaction time has helped avoid accidents every day.
Other relevant cognitive skills are:
- Updating:Completing the levels of this game will require that the user understand their mistakes and learn how to adjust their behavior in order to correct it. Safely passing other drivers on the screen without any accidents means quickly making a number of decisions. The user will have to mentally evaluate the different possibilities and choose if it is better to slow down, speed up, or move to another lane. Doing this will activate and stimulate updating, which makes it possible to efficiently change a strategy, if necessary, in order to reach a certain goal. It also helps adapt behavior to new circumstances.
- Hand-eye Coordination: This brain game requires the user to integrate the information that their eyes receive and simultaneously move their hands to react to what the eyes see. The user has to use the arrow keys to move the vehicle to avoid crashing with other drivers. Doing this can help activate and strengthen hand-eye coordination, and improving this skills makes it possible to do everyday tasks more efficiently, more easily, and more precisely. For example, we use hand-eye coordination when texting or typing on a keyboard.
- Focused Attention:This brain game tests attention by requiring the user to concentrate on the new information that appears on the screen while ignoring irrelevant stimuli while reacting to the relevant stimuli. Doing this activates and stimulates focused attention, and improving this cognitive skill makes it possible to have better control during everyday activities and react more quickly as efficiently. This maks it possible to detect other cars or objects in your way as you drive.
- Inhibition:This brain game requires the user to control impulsive or automatic responses. If the user is passing a vehicle on the screen and a new obstacle appears, they will need to slow down and inhibit the plan that they were carrying out until the create a better situation that is more appropriate for the situation. Doing this stimulates and strengthens inhibition control, and improving this skill can help the user self-regulate their behavior and control impulsivity. This is useful when you need to keep yourself from saying something inappropriate for a certain situation, or when you need to concentrate on your homework rather than check your phone.
- Spatial Perception:Lane Splitter requires the user to carefully calculate distance, size, and speed of the different obstacles that appear on the screen. In order to avoid collisions on the road, the user must understand where the stimuli are located and anticipate the changes that they may produce. This activity helps the brain create new synapses and mylenize the neural circuits able to recover or organize spatial perception. Improving this important cognitive skill makes it possible to develop a better sense of the location of the things around you, which can help when successfully and efficiently moving around in your environment without tripping over obstacles.
- Visual Scanning:Lane Splitter tests the brain's ability to detect and recognize visual stimuli. Moving through the levels will require the user to detect the open lane and move the vehicle to that lane without crashing into other cars or obstacles that appear on the screen. Doing this will activate and stimulate their visual scanning ability, which can help when you want to find a word in a written document, recognize traffic signs, or see potholes in the road before causing an accident.
What happens if you don't train your cognitive skills?
The brain is designed to reserve resources, which causes it to eliminate the connections that it doesn't use often. This means that if you don't regularly use a certain cognitive skill, the brain will stop sending it the resources that it needs, and it will become weaker and weaker. This makes us less efficient when using said function, causing us to be less efficient in daily activities.