Trail Making Test (TMT)
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The CogniFit's Trail Making Test (TMT) is a digitized replica of the task of the same name (Reitan, 1955; Reitan, 1958). This task tests processing speed, shifting, the ability to make an effective visual scan, as well as other underlying executive functions.
For more information about what variables are measured in this task, read this document.
- Evaluated cognitive abilities:Visual attention and task switching.
- Time allowed:Between approximately 50 seconds - 20 minutes.
- Areas of application:Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, General Medicine and Research.
- Format:Online Computerized Test (PCs, cell phones, and tablets).
- Objective:Click on the circles scattered along the screen as fast as possible, following the correct sequence of circles.
- Instructions:During the first part of the task, it will be necessary to click on the 25 circles chaotically distributed on the screen following an ascending sequence (1-2-3-4...), according to the numbers written inside each circle, starting with the number 1 and ending with 25. During the second half of the task, the user will have to do the same, with the only difference that this time it will be necessary to alternate the numbers in ascending order, with the letters in alphabetical order (1-A-2-B...), starting with 1 and ending with 13.

Reitan, R. M. (1955). The relation of the trail making test to organic brain damage. Journal of Consulting Psychology
Reitan, R. M. (1958). Validity of the Trail Making test as an indicator of organic brain damage. Percept. Mot Skills. 8 (3): 271–276. doi:10.2466/pms.1958.8.3.271