Brain Game: Drive me crazy
Cognitive training brain game
Play 'Drive me crazy' online and strengthen your cognitive abilities.
Access this scientific brain training resource.
Challenge your mind.
Drive me crazy is a brain game that seeks to train shifting and auditory perception. The objective of the game is for you to follow the written signals and then click on the blue arrows in the same order as indicated, you must ignore any distractions that appear.
CogniFit has designed this game in order to stimulate our contextual memory and inhibition. It is a suitable game for anyone regardless of their age since the difficulty of the game is adjusted taking into account the needs of each user. This makes Drive me crazy a perfect option to stimulate our minds and help strengthen our cognitive abilities in a fun and interactive way.

The aim of the game is for you to follow the described guidelines, without paying attention to distractions, and then click on the blue arrows in the same order as indicated.

As you increase the level, following the instructions will become more difficult.

From advanced levels you will have to perform the actions in the opposite way to that shown in the instructions.
Why is Drive me crazy so popular? - History
Drive me crazy is a typical memory game that seeks to activate cognitive flexibility through unexpected changes in the game's instructions. These types of mental stimulation exercises have always stood out since they are capable of stimulating different skills at the same time.
There are many varieties of games like Drive me crazy, CogniFit has developed a fun game in order to help stimulate different cognitive abilities in a very entertaining way.
How does 'Drive me crazy' improve my cognitive abilities?
Playing games like CogniFit's 'Drive me crazy' stimulates a specific neural activation pattern. Repeating and training this pattern consistently can help create new synapses, and help neural circuits reorganize and regain weakened or damaged cognitive functions.
'Drive me crazy' helps to exercise planning and visual memory. Consistently stimulating these skills can help create new synapses, and reorganize neural circuits and improve cognitive functions.
1st WEEK
2nd WEEK
3rd WEEK

Orientative graphic projection of neural networks after 3 weeks.
What happens when I don't train my cognitive abilities?
Our brain is designed to save resources, so it tends to eliminate connections that are not used. In this way, if a cognitive ability is not used normally, the brain does not provide resources for that pattern of neural activation, so it becomes increasingly weak. This makes us less able to use this cognitive function, making us less effective in our day-to-day activities.