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You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a family account. This account is designed to give your family members access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a personal account. This type of account is specially designed to help you evaluate and train your cognitive skills.

You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a family account. This account is designed to give your family members access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

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Cognitive training for chemo brain


Cognitive training for chemo brain

Trains and strengthens essential cognitive abilities in a professional way. Comprehensive report of results, progress, and evolution.


This product is not for sale. This product is for research purposes only. For more info see CogniFit Research Platform


Cognitive training for chemo brain

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Number of family members
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Months of training







CogniFit: Leaders in Brain Training for Adults with Chemo Brain

CogniFit: Leaders in Brain Training for Adults with Chemo Brain

  • Access online activities and exercises for adults with chemo brain
  • Helps strengthen cognitive skills impaired in adults with chemo brain
  • Get a complete results, progress and evolution report.

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Although there are increasing medical advances that help eliminate or control cancer in certain patients, the treatments are very aggressive and often lead to many unwanted side effects. Chemotherapy is one of these treatments and, as a consequence of its application, it is common for people to develop certain cognitive difficulties (such as concentration problems, difficulty remembering information, etc.). This set of cognitive alterations is what is known as chemo-fog or chemo-brain. However, CogniFit has designed specific cognitive training to strengthen cognitive abilities after cancer treatment and reduce the extent of chemo brain.

We can access CogniFit and its chemo brain cognitive training from computers, tablets or smartphones with an internet connection. CogniFit's chemo brain training program consists of a series of cognitive stimulation activities that will reinforce and strengthen the cognitive abilities altered by chemotherapy. CogniFit recommends a minimum of one 15-minute session per day, three days per week.

CogniFit chemo brain training aims to strengthen cognitive abilities to enhance the quality of life of people who have suffered or are suffering from cancer and who have cognitive symptoms derived from chemotherapy. Cognitive stimulation aims to improve a person's social, academic and daily work activities.

CogniFit's personalized cognitive training program for chemo brain is made up of a large set of cognitive stimulation and assessment tasks that aim at strengthening the most altered cognitive capacities. It should be noted that CogniFit brain training for chemo brain automatically adjusts to the specific cognitive needs of the user.

Note: CogniFit does not treat chemo brain, but may help improve cognitive skills affected by this disorder. To optimize results, it is advisable to combine training with other therapies.











Cancer can affect anyone and, therefore, there are many people who may need cognitive stimulation to reduce the extent of chemo brain. This training is accessible across different platforms to suit the users' needs:

Adults who would like to reduce their chemo brain symptoms

Stimulate my cognitive abilities related to chemo brain

CogniFit's individual platform will allow the person with cancer and ongoing treatment to train their cognitive abilities and manage their own training. It is designed so that we can strengthen our brain from our own homes.
Family members or caregivers

Strengthening my relative's cognitive abilities related to chemo brain

If our family member is not comfortable with the technology, or if they are not able to manage their own account, CogniFit family platform offers the possibility of stimulating their cognitive abilities altered by chemo brain.
Healthcare Professionals

To help the cognitive skills of my adult patients with chemo brain.

As physicians, psychologists or health professionals in general, we can apply cognitive training to our cancer patients through CogniFit's professional platform. Patients will be able to perform the training in therapy or from home (cognitive remote stimulation)

Researchers and scientists

Study the effects of cognitive training in adults with chemo brain

Cancer research is the foundation for improving the lives of people with cancer. CogniFit provides the possibility to study the effect of cognitive stimulation on chemo brain through the researcher's platform. In addition, the CogniFit Platform for Researchers has a control group that offers different tasks and always at the lowest level of difficulty in comparison to the other group.



The cognitive changes that may occur after chemotherapy may vary depending on the type of cancer being treated, as the drug composition may vary and affect the body differently. However, CogniFit has investigated which cognitive abilities are most frequently altered, regardless of the type of cancer, and has created a training that focuses on stimulating these abilities:

Cognitive Skills


Ability to retain or manipulate new information. Memory allows us to store internal representations of knowledge in our brain and retain past events for future use. Learning is a key process in memory, as it allows us to incorporate new information or modify existing information in previous mental frameworks. After coding and storage, the information, memory or learning should be ready to be retrieved in the future. The hippocampus is a key brain structure in the memory process and works actively during sleep to consolidate the information acquired during the day.


689Your Score


Short-Term Memory

Short-Term Memory

Ability to retain a limited amount of information for a very short period of time. Short-term memory may be impaired in people with cancer who have received chemotherapy treatment.

655Your Score



Ability to efficiently perform precise and ordered movements. Coordination allows us to perform our movements quickly and efficiently. The cerebellum is the brain structure responsible for making coordinated movements: from walking, holding a glass, or dancing ballet. It helps to maintain coherence between our movements and the feedback we get from our senses.


192Your Score


Response Time

Response Time

It refers to the amount of time that elapses from when we perceive something until we give an answer accordingly. People with chemo fog may have difficulty responding, with the same agility as before, to the stimuli and demands of the environment.

212Your Score



Ability to filter distractions and focus on relevant information. Attention accompanies every cognitive process and is in charge of assigning cognitive resources depending on the relevance of both internal and external stimuli. Good attention skills are necessary for other high-level processes, like memory or planning. Attention is an essential process that requires the use of different parts of the brain, from the brainstem or the parietal cortex to the prefrontal cortex. However, it seems that the right hemisphere has a predominant role in controlling attention. This cognitive area makes it possible to stay alert and pay attention to the stimuli when other irrelevant distractors are present, concentration for long periods of time, alternating attention between different activities, or dividing attention when two events are happening at the same time.


459Your Score


Focused Attention

Focused Attention

The brain's ability to focus our attention on a target object, regardless of how long the focus lasts. People who receive or have received chemotherapy can have great difficulty concentrating and focusing their attention.

524Your Score


What will I get from CogniFit chemo brain training?

What will I get from CogniFit chemo brain training?

The main goal of CogniFit's chemo brain training is to enhance the lives of people who have received chemotherapy. To achieve this goal, CogniFit seeks to achieve:

  • Strengthen the brain against the cognitive impairment that a person may suffer after receiving chemotherapy. Adequate cognitive stimulation can modify the connectivity of the brain, and result in more resources being devoted to these brain areas.
  • To reduce the cognitive symptoms derived from chemo brain. CogniFit chemo brain activities can help improve a person's cognitive state who has been through a cancer process. It can help reduce, as much as possible, some of the typical symptoms of chemo brain, such as difficulty concentrating, remembering facts, slow processing speed, etc.
  • Encourage academic and work performance. The cognitive difficulties derived from chemo brain may be a great obstacle to on our studies or our work. Proper training can strengthen our weaknesses and help us improve our performance.
  • Promote social and personal life. Chemo brain makes it likely that we don't understand a conversation, that we forget plans with our friends, hindering our social relationships and our daily tasks. Stimulating these altered cognitive abilities can help us reduce these mistakes and improve our lives.



No two brains are the same, so brain training should not be the same for two different people. That's why CogniFit offers a series of entertaining online cognitive activities that detect and stimulate each user's weaknesses. The difficulty adapts to our needs, so there is always a progressive and appropriate challenge for our cognitive profile.

CogniFit training is based on neuroplasticity to strengthen cognitive skills altered during cancer treatment. Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the name given to our brain's ability to modify its structure based on experience and stimulation. This makes it possible for it to adapt to the demands that surround us. Thus, CogniFit training presents a series of stimuli that require a direct reaction on our part, our brain will eventually adapt to give a more efficient response, modifying our brain and improving our performance.

CogniFit training activities specific to chemo brain have been selected to stimulate the cognitive skills most altered after cancer treatment. This training seeks to progressively diminish the extent of cognitive impairment through various cognitive training activities adapted to our needs.







CogniFit's team of neuroscientists have spent many years studying, creating, and optimizing the cognitive stimulation activities that make up the chemo brain training. This online training stands out for some of its features:


Cancer can strike anyone at any age, so CogniFit was designed to be intuitive and anyone can access their training without needing computer skills or neuroscience. The data collection, storage and processing is automatic, so you don't have to worry about anything but training.


CogniFit's activities and platform have been designed to be eye-catching and entertaining. This encourages motivation and adherence to the chemo brain training plan.


Understanding the instructions correctly is the first step in being able to carry out the activities properly. For this reason, the guidelines of each activity are clearly and interactively stated, which promotes their comprehension.


After each training session, you will receive feedback on the cognitive results. Thus, you will know if you have improved some cognitive skills, as well as what are your strengths and weaknesses, etc.


In addition to the data obtained in the last session, CogniFit also stores all our cognitive scores over time, so it is possible to know the evolution and improvement tendency of our cognitive skills.


CogniFit's training program is personalized, that is, it uses all the information gathered during the training to adapt the difficulty and type of activities of the next sessions to the specific needs of the user. Since CogniFit adapts to our specific profile, no two people will do exactly the same training.


Since CogniFit is an online cognitive training platform, it is possible to access our cognitive training sessions from any device with an internet connection (computer, tablet or smartphone). This advantage allows anyone to perform cognitive remote stimulation, meaning you can train anywhere.



People who have chemo brain as a result of cancer treatment are more likely to develop cognitive impairment than people who have not received chemotherapy. In fact, the risk also varies depending on the type of cancer being treated, the dose and the length of chemotherapy treatment. The more potent and aggressive the treatment, the more likely it is that a person develops symptoms of chemo brain.

On the other hand, adequate cognitive training helps strengthen cognitive skills in the face of cognitive deterioration. Therefore, when we do not adequately stimulate our cognitive abilities, we are more exposed to cognitive problems that hinder our daily activities. With this in mind, it is easy to understand why cognitive training that adapts to our specific abilities is necessary. CogniFit offers a multi-dimensional and systematic training for each cognitive skill related to dyscalculia, which favors the activation of the neural patterns involved in chemo brain.









Depending on the cancer being treated, each person's cognitive skills may deteriorate differently. Therefore, the amount of time spent on CogniFit training may vary from person to person. Generally speaking, a minimum of one training session per day, three days per week, is recommended. In either case, you can increase the number of daily sessions or the number of training days per week. CogniFit always recommends that training be moderate and constant, rather than intense but interrupted.

Each training session consists of three activities: two sets of cognitive stimulation and an evaluation task. This design allows for the training to be personalized and automated so that the user can take advantage of all their training time.










CogniFit chemo brain cognitive training has been designed to fit the specific cognitive needs of each user. It's standardized, multi-dimensional and personalized activities make CogniFit a unique and effective cognitive stimulation resource for chemo brain.

CogniFit's patented ITS™ (Individualized Training System) technology automatically personalizes the difficulty and type of exercises that will be presented to the user during chemo brain training. This patented technology has been designed by an international team of scientists, neurologists, and psychologists, who research the latest discoveries and advances in the brain.

The importance of personalizing the training plan lies in the fact that each person has their own cognitive profile, and chemo brain will affect each profile differently. With all this variability, it makes no sense for two different people to receive exactly the same cognitive stimulation. CogniFit allows the training plan to be adjusted to our profile and our cognitive changes as we progress through the training.

CogniFit collects cognitive information in each training session to capture each progress and adapt the intervention plan instantly. In this way, it is possible to have a complete graph of the user's training evolution. This helps to know improvement tendencies, compare our results from one session to another, and make the most of the cognitive training time.

In conclusion, it is essential that the activities be personalized as this is a guarantee of quality. Not all cognitive stimulation games are the same and our brain will not be stimulated in the same way if we use any game. CogniFit is unique in the rigorous and systematic way it stimulates our cognitive abilities altered by chemo brain.



If you have any questions about CogniFit Chemo Brain Training including data performance, management or interpretation, you can contact us immediately. Our team of professionals will answer your questions and help you with everything you need.





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