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You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

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You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a personal account. This type of account is specially designed to help you evaluate and train your cognitive skills.

You are going to create a patient management account. This account is designed to give your patients access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a family account. This account is designed to give your family members access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a research account. This account is specially designed to help researchers with their studies in the cognitive areas.

You are going to create a student management account. This account is designed to give your students access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

You are going to create a company management account. This account is designed to give your employees access to CogniFit evaluations and training.

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For users 16 years and older. Children under 16 can use CogniFit with a parent on one of the family platforms.

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Cognitive Training for Adults with Multiple Sclerosis


Cognitive Training for Adults with Multiple Sclerosis

Trains and strengthens essential cognitive abilities in a professional way. Comprehensive report of results, progress, and evolution.


This product is not for sale. This product is for research purposes only. For more info see CogniFit Research Platform


Cognitive Training for Adults with Multiple Sclerosis

Number of family members
Number of patients
Number of family members
Number of students
Number of participants
Months of training







CogniFit: Leaders in Online Brain Training and Games for Multiple Sclerosis

CogniFit: Leaders in Online Brain Training and Games for Multiple Sclerosis

  • Play online cognitive training games for adults and seniors with multiple sclerosis
  • Get access to activities for MS cognitive symptoms
  • Test your brain and enhance its plasticity with these multiple sclerosis exercises

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that impairs the myelin sheaths that line the axons of neurons. This causes the nerve impulse to be altered or disrupted, making communication between one neuron and another difficult or impossible. This has a direct impact on people's daily lives since it causes the typical symptoms of multiple sclerosis: fatigue, motor problems, perceptive difficulties, spasms, speech problems, and cognitive alterations. With this in mind, the CogniFit team has created a training program aimed at improving the status of cognitive abilities altered in multiple sclerosis. These cognitive exercises are specifically targeted at young or older adults with multiple sclerosis.

Adults with multiple sclerosis can access CogniFit online training through a variety of internet-connected devices: computer (web), tablets and smartphones (app). This permits access to cognitive stimulation activities for multiple sclerosis from wherever it is most convenient for the user.

CogniFit Multiple Sclerosis training aims to strengthen the state of the different cognitive abilities of adults with this neurodegenerative disease, to reduce the extent of multiple sclerosis symptoms, and therefore to improve quality of life. To do this, Multiple Sclerosis training uses CogniFit's patented technology, which adjusts the training plan automatically so that we can optimize our time and effort.

CogniFit training has been proven to help improve the cognitive abilities of adults with multiple sclerosis. A varied set of cognitive stimulation tasks and assessment tasks makes up CogniFit training for MS. These activities will allow you to rigorously work on the most important cognitive abilities related to multiple sclerosis and track your progress.

It is important to note that CogniFit does not treat multiple sclerosis, but it can help reduce its symptoms and improve cognitive skills affected by this neurodegenerative disease. To optimize results, it is recommended that training be combined with the usual treatments and therapies for young or older adults with multiple sclerosis.











Multiple sclerosis, although it can be diagnosed at any age, it usually appears between the ages of 20 and 40. With this in mind, CogniFit offers specific platforms according to the user's needs:

Adults with MS who want to reduce their cognitive symptoms

Strengthen my cognitive abilities related to multiple sclerosis

CogniFit offers us the possibility to complement our MS treatment with training that we can manage ourselves from the individual platform. From here we will have the possibility to perform the personalized activities offered by CogniFit and check the results. This platform is available from the age of 16.
Family members and caregivers

Train my children's, parents', grandparents' or other family members' cognitive abilities

If we have a family member with multiple sclerosis or someone in our care, we can help them work on their cognitive abilities related to this neurological disease in a simple and comfortable way. The CogniFit family platform is designed so that we can manage our family member's training and understand the results even if we are not familiar with technology or neuroscience.
Healthcare Professionals

Stimulate my patients' cognitive skills

CogniFit training has been proven to help improve the cognitive state of people with multiple sclerosis. For this reason, as health professionals, we may be interested in complementing regular MS treatment with stimulation to help reduce the cognitive symptoms. The platform for professionals will allow you to invite and manage patients, as well as to see their results, both in session and from home (cognitive tele-stimulation).

Researchers and scientists

To study the effect of cognitive training on the cognitive abilities of adults with multiple sclerosis

CogniFit's platform for researchers is designed to allow you to conveniently and simply study the effect of cognitive training on people with MS. You will be able to apply our experimental model by saving time and making it easier to manage participants, collect data and analyze the data. It also offers the possibility of creating a control group in which the participants will perform a "false" cognitive training, helping your experimental design.



One of the main symptoms of multiple sclerosis is the slowness and cognitive alterations that occur as a result of the "scars" generated by the loss of myelin. The cognitive abilities that are most commonly altered in multiple sclerosis are:

Cognitive Skills




689Your Score


Short-Term Memory

Short-Term Memory

Memory mechanism that allows us to retain in our mind a limited amount of information (7 ± 2 elements) for a short period of time estimated in several seconds. Damage to this cognitive ability can make it difficult to acquire new memories. Some studies have identified that 20% of people with multiple sclerosis have impaired short-term memory. This is in addition to a more general decrease in memory performance, including all memory domains, which affects an even greater percentage of patients.

655Your Score





665Your Score


Working Memory

Working Memory


675Your Score



Ability to interpret the stimuli of the environment. Perception is responsible for identifying and making sense of the information received from our sensory organs based on our prior knowledge of the world. Perception is a process that can be given by different senses (like sight, hearing, touch, etc.), and that our brain is responsible for integrating, giving it a sense of wholeness. The brain areas associated with perception are responsible for uniting the information perceived by the different sensory organs so that we can interact effectively with external stimuli, regardless of the stimulated sensory organ. In order for the perceptual process to be carried out properly, a process of assimilation and understanding of the information received will be necessary.


503Your Score




Mental process that allows us to predict, or generate an answer when we don't have the solution available. This capability allows us to predict the future location of an object based on its current speed and distance. People who suffer from multiple sclerosis usually present alterations in the performance of activities that require estimation.

502Your Score





412Your Score


Processing Speed

Processing Speed


412Your Score



Ability to efficiently perform precise and ordered movements. Coordination allows us to perform our movements quickly and efficiently. The cerebellum is the brain structure responsible for making coordinated movements such as walking, holding a glass, or dancing ballet. It helps to maintain coherence between our movements and the feedback we get from our senses.


192Your Score


Response Time

Response Time

Ability to detect, process and respond to a stimulus. This ability is related to having good reflexes since it refers to the time from when we perceive something until we give a response accordingly. Several studies point out that people with multiple sclerosis take longer and respond more slowly than healthy people, that the time needed is greater the greater the cognitive burden of the task, and that variability in response time has a high correlation with self-reported cognitive fatigue.

212Your Score



Ability to filter distractions and focus on relevant information. Attention accompanies every cognitive process and is in charge of assigning cognitive resources depending on the relevance of both internal and external stimuli. Good attention skills are necessary for other high-level processes, like memory or planning. Attention is an essential process that requires the use of different parts of the brain, from the brainstem or the parietal cortex to the prefrontal cortex. However, it seems that the right hemisphere has a predominant role in controlling attention. This cognitive area makes it possible to stay alert and pay attention to the stimuli when other irrelevant distractors are present, concentration for long periods of time, alternating attention between different activities, or dividing attention when two events are happening at the same time.


459Your Score


Divided Attention

Divided Attention

The ability of our brain to attend to different stimuli or tasks at the same time, and thus respond to the multiple demands of the environment. Divided attention is a type of simultaneous attention that allows us to process different sources of information and successfully execute more than one task at a time. People with multiple sclerosis have difficulties in different aspects of care, especially in divided attention when performing tasks that require more intense cognitive effort.

500Your Score


What will I get from CogniFit MS brain training?

What will I get from CogniFit MS brain training?

The cognitive abilities that are altered in MS have a direct impact on everyday life. CogniFit Cognitive Training for Multiple Sclerosis seeks to strengthen these cognitive abilities to help us manage our daily lives by pursuing clear goals:

  • Improving the cognitive state of adults with multiple sclerosis: Cognifit online training has been proven to effectively stimulate the cognitive abilities altered by this neurological disease. This contributes to reducing the extent of these alterations.
  • Reducing symptoms related to multiple sclerosis: MS is characterized by a series of alterations in the myelin of the neural axons, ultimately resulting in certain cognitive symptoms. This multiple sclerosis training seeks to reinforce these cognitive abilities in order to minimize the impact of the symptoms.
  • Enhancing academic and work performance: Cognitive difficulties resulting from multiple sclerosis can have a very negative impact on academic and work performance. A treatment aimed at reducing these symptoms can help improve academic and work efficiency.
  • Benefit the social and personal context: MS cognitive symptoms also hinder and impair most daily and leisure activities, ultimately deteriorating the quality of life. Reducing these symptoms can also help these areas.



CogniFit training for multiple sclerosis is composed of a series of neuropsychological activities that challenge our brain, tailored to our specific needs. Thus, when we try to solve these brain challenges, we are demanding an effort from our brain. When applied repeatedly and at an appropriate level, our brain will gradually change its connections to meet the demands of the activities.

The ability of our brain to adapt to the demands of the environment is known as neuroplasticity. This mechanism allows our brain to optimize its functioning, dedicating a greater amount of resources to the cognitive processes "that we use the most". Ultimately, these changes will allow us to be more efficient and to give a better response in situations where these cognitive abilities that we have stimulated are required.

Therefore, if we select the appropriate neuropsychological activities, apply them at a proportionate level and with a good frequency, we can help our brain to choose which cognitive functions should allocate more neural resources. By applying an appropriate training plan, we can achieve a higher quality of life and better performance in our daily activities.







CogniFit has been working for many years to optimize its MS training features, with the goal of making it accessible to users and meeting their needs. CogniFit's multiple sclerosis activities offer a number of advantages:


The cognitive difficulties inherent in multiple sclerosis can make it difficult to learn how to use a new tool. To minimize this problem, CogniFit has an intuitive and simple design, which makes it very easy to use. This allows us to focus our efforts on good cognitive training.


Motivation is a key element in maintaining cognitive training over a long period of time. That's why CogniFit's platform and activities are designed to be engaging and entertaining, which helps you enjoy your training more.


We should know not only how to access our activities, but also understand them from the beginning. CogniFit instructions' are clear and concrete, making them much easier to understand.


Upon completion of a training session, you will be able to access a brief summary of your cognitive data, so that you can receive immediate feedback on your performance. Of course, you will also be able to view all of your data at any time from your CogniFit user profile.


CogniFit securely stores all the data obtained after each training session, so that in addition to accessing your current cognitive status, you can also check your previous activity. This allows you to clearly see how you are doing, how much you are improving, and so on.


One of the most important features of CogniFit MS training for young and older adults is that it is tailored to your needs. Each training session takes into account a large number of variables to create a unique and personalized intervention plan.


CogniFit allows you to perform your activities from any device (computer, tablet or smartphone) with an internet connection. This way, we can perform our MS cognitive training from wherever it's needed: in the office, at home, or wherever it's most convenient for you.



One of the main symptoms suffered by men and women with multiple sclerosis is impaired cognitive abilities, which often means difficulties in everyday life. If you do not stimulate your cognitive abilities related to MS, you will find great difficulty in processing, elaborating or retrieving information from our environment, which can burden our academic, work, social or personal life.

To decrease the chances of underperforming in everyday or unusual activities that require these cognitive abilities, we can help our brain be prepared for these situations through proper cognitive training. CogniFit's systematic, multidimensional training aims to promote certain patterns of neural activation to compensate for the impairments associated with multiple sclerosis.









Although CogniFit gives you the ability to adjust the amount, duration and frequency of your training plan to suit your needs, we always recommend a minimum of one training session per day, three days a week. The intensity of the training plan can be adjusted according to your current condition and progress. In addition, it is preferable to carry out moderate and constant training, rather than very intense but irregular training.

MS training sessions maintain the same structure: two sets of cognitive stimulation and one assessment task. The structure of the sessions allows you to strengthen your cognitive state, follow up on your progress, and personalize the type and difficulty of the activities to your specific needs. The approximate duration of each training session is about 15 minutes.










CogniFit's standardized multidimensional activities have been proven to improve the cognitive state of adults with multiple sclerosis. This makes CogniFit the leading tool in online cognitive stimulation for cognitive interventions for young or older adults with multiple sclerosis.

CogniFit's international team of scientists has developed the patented ITS™ (Individualized Training System) technology, which makes it possible for Cognifit MS training to be tailored to your specific needs. Thanks to the ITS™ technology, each person who uses their CogniFit training will have a unique and tailored training plan.

CogniFit personalizes the training automatically, so we don't need to worry about designing or preparing the optimal intervention plan for the user. The program itself takes care of detecting our cognitive strengths and weaknesses, proposing the appropriate activities for our cognitive profile. The type and difficulty of the games you play will be automatically adjusted by the system.

In each training session, CogniFit stores a large amount of data about your performance and your cognitive profile. This continuous measurement, in addition to regulating the training plan, allows you to track your cognitive status and view your progress curve.

CogniFit MS training for young and older adults provides the opportunity to stimulate your brain in a rigorous, systematic, and multidisciplinary way through activities that are tailored to your needs.



If you have any questions about CogniFit Personalized Brain Training data performance, management or interpretation, you can contact us immediately. Our team of professionals will answer your questions and help you with everything you need.





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